Tag Archives: potatoes

So our oven is broken… Also a tribute to potatoes.

So last week, midway through cooking some healthy cheesy potatoes dauphenoise (is that how you spell it? maybe…) complete with extra cream and extra cheese for extra health, our oven in the flat just turned off. Potentially a sign from the gods that I shouldn’t be eating potato based cheesy goods? Admittedly yes I shouldn’t but potatoes, cheese and cream are like the holy trinity of things that are good in the world. But anyway yes the oven is broken and wont be fixed until next weekend at the EARLIEST! (Downside of living with your landlord, I have to be nice and accommodating and lovely at all times for fear of being evicted “yes two weeks without a hot meal is fine, in this cold cold November what I really wanted was a refreshing salad for dinner…every night”).

Okay, it’s not quite that bad because the hob still works so I can just fry everything I want to eat (potato circles?). Or boil it (potatoes?) or indeed use my microwave (micro chips…made of potatoes). Can we just take a minute here to appreciate potatoes and how great they are? You can roast them- well I can’t because my oven is dead, you can bake them (again, not me), you can boil them, mash them, cut them up and fry them, make chips, make crisps if you can be arsed which frankly I can’t, MAKE VODKA (again, effort), you can even make bread with them and make paint stamps for arty patterns- seriously did anyone do this in school because it was great! The possibilities with a potato know no bounds! And don’t even get me started on sweet potatoes…you can make brownies out of them! And here’s a fun fact- they’re not actually that bad for you! YES! POTATO LOVERS UNITE AND REJOICE! A medium potato is basically fat free and only has 161 calories in it, okay yes its got 37g of carbs in it but they’re complex carbs (I don’t really understand that term but I think it means carbs that you don’t need to berate yourself for eating! woo!) and it has hella vitamins and minerals! Obviously it all depends on how you cook them but this website www.potatogoodness.com/ has all the potato knowledge you’ll ever need to impress your friends and co-workers!

Potato Lovers Unite!

Potato Lovers Unite!

Okay so a bit of a tangent but I thought it was important to share that, however I now realise that today I’ve written more words about potatoes than I have on my dissertation topic…which in case you were wondering is about different perceptions of men and women in marketing campaigns, so like do people respond better to aspirational images of their gender (like athletic people used to advertise running shoes), or something they can relate to because it uses more “normal” people (for example the Dove real beauty campaign?) If anyone fancies throwing their two cents in on this idea then please do, I need all the opinions I can get!

Right, I should probably get back to writing that… but not until after I’ve had a packet of crisps to curb my potato craving!

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