In Blog We Trust

I must confess I haven’t been the most dedicated blogger recently, and for that Dear Reader I ask your forgiveness. After all with only 45 days until Christmas could it be in the spirit of goodwill to all men that you give me a second chance?

Speaking of spirits I have some good news to share, having just completed Sober October I have managed to raise £410 for Macmillan Cancer Care and have managed to lose a whopping 11 of my own (pounds of flab that is, not money)! Mind you some of this may be down to the fact that I’ve been ill with a chest infection so haven’t been stuffing my face quite as much. There’s always something so bittersweet about having the lurgy, I find myself lying in bed thinking well my throat is killing me and these bodily fluids are a questionable colour but I’m probably losing a few pounds!

So my new found waistline and I took ourselves to the shops to buy a dress for the much anticipated Cankled-Matriarch’s (that’s mother dearest to those of you who’ve forgotten) Christmas Party. I don’t use the term much anticipated lightly Dear Reader, this party always presents some sort of fun- be it the time my Grandmother poured her drink all over my Grandad every time she turned the page in her carol book, or the time one of my friends was passed out drunkenly upstairs only to be visited by one of our teachers at the time who had come upstairs to try on hats, or indeed the time a poor drunken soul poured his heart out about his unrequited love to an unsuspecting guest only to find out the guest was the girl in question’s mother! Although I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite as hysterical as my own Father crawl into the dogs bed with the dog, Jack, and pretend the dog was singing Mack The Knife but, because my dad is the king of wit, he sang Jack The Knife. But yes! Back to the dress, I don’t have a photo of it because when I tried it on it looked good but not great- a pretty expensive incentive to lose weight- so there’s still work to be done over the next 40 days, and all whilst going to two other Christmas parties!

In an attempt to help myself along I have once again purchased a gym membership (deja vu, anyone?), and thus far have gone once. For my induction. Personally I’m quite impressed I even turned up for that, perhaps I’ll go back once my chest has cleared, perhaps not. As well as this, and believe me I’m not proud of this, I have started calorie counting. I used to mock calorie counters, a friend once asked me how many calories are in a creme egg and frankly if you’re that concerned about your figure (not that she needed to be) then you shouldn’t be eating creme eggs in the first place. But hell, even if it isn’t making the slightest bit of difference at least I have all my scribbles to prove I tried! And if all else fails there’s always Spanx!

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